Snubbed explores and exposes the times throughout history when women didn’t get credit for their valuable inventions. Instead, the credits were stolen away from them and often given to male scientists or investors. There is a strong theme surrounding the bias against women when applying for and obtaining patents throughout history that needs to be talked about. Women represent as few as 1 in 6 patent holders- showing a significant divide. The examples explored highlight past unfairness and the importance of giving women credit where credit is due.
Hand-crafted hardcover publication
Publication concept and research
Art direction

I first came across this idea when I read about Elizabeth Magie and her original idea behind the game Monopoly. She never received credit due to Charles Darrow selling the game/idea to Parker Brothers. They got all the recognition (and money) for it.
As I dove deeper into this topic, it really became a subject that I became fascinated by. Understanding the story behind Monopoly and its true inventor offers a fascinating window into the game that sits in game closets all over the world and how it isn’t really what we thought it was. Magie is just one of countless women whose contributions were minimized, ignored, taken, or simply erased.