Carrubi creates crunchy and delicious carob snacks for kids. Carob is a caffeine-free and healthier chocolate alternative. Research shows multiple negative effects of caffeine on children, yet so many of the treats marketed to them still contain caffeine and high sugar content. Carrubi’s mission is to offer a delicious and appealing line of carob treats for parents to give their kids with the chocolate taste they love but without any of the caffeine or unhealthy side effects that so often come with it.
Brand identity & concept
Logo design
Package design
Art direction
This project was inspired by my babysitting gigs that taught me firsthand that caffeine and kids don’t mix well. After watching already energetic kids turn hyper and stay up way past their bedtime I realized that there must be a way to give them the chocolate taste without this happening. This is where carob comes in. It’s a delicious and organic chocolate alternative that is naturally lower in sugar and completely caffeine free.
In creating the brand’s visual style, I wanted to steer away from the expected “natural” or “healthy” typical visual style and play more to the colorful, animated, and illustrated visuals that tend to be more appealing and engaging to children.